Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 3 Notes

1) Question:  So far the story is taking place in Candy's bunkhouse. Lennie and George are finding themselves working and talking to Slim more. Problems with Lennie and Curley continues with Lennie size intimating Curly. During the end of the chapter George found Lennie and Curley found them fighting each other, in till George tells Lennie to protect him self. Then Lennie smashes Curley's hand which injured his hand greatly. A question I have is why Lennie doesn't try to do more to avoid him self from Curly. I believe George should watch him a little more.

3) Connection:  I can connect the end of Chapter 3 to the beginning of the story. During the beginning of the story Lennie had an enjoyment for rabbits "I remember about the rabbits, George."
"The hell with the rabbits. That’s all you can ever remember is them rabbits." (Steinbeck, 18) I find it ironic that Lennie wants to take care of the rabbits, I feel like the author was trying to give us clues throughout the whole story about the rabbits. 

4) Summarize:  During the story in chapter 3 a lot of an events has happen. Lennie and Curley were in a fight that left Curly badly injured. I believe that the tension with Lennie and Curly is continuing to rise, so I believe something bad is going to happen. Candy's dog is continue to reek and make everyone angry. There is a good chance that he is going to be found dead and Candy is going to be angry, Also, George and Lennie are beginning to develop a relationship with Slim. Now they are talking more and he is real understanding about how Lennie. He tells George that Lennie is just a kid in the inside and that is really what Lennie is.

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