Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 4 notes

Summary- so far in the story we are introduced to a new character Crooks in detail. Him & Lennie was talking for awhile and Crooks told him his story. Crooks told him how he feels alone and lonely. One of the main factors of this is because he is black. But, he might have found a friend in Lennie because he doesn't discriminate. Its sad to see someone alone because of the color of his skin.

Prediction- I think the next chapter we will see Lennie tend the rabbits. Last chapter Candy told him that he is going to be able to. But, the only factor that I believe might stop him is Curley. He already doesn't like Lennie so I believe he is going to do everything he can to make Lennie look bad.

Connection- "But i get to tend 'em," Lennie broke in. "George says I get to tend "em (Steinbeck 75). I can relate Lennie to me in this quote. Here Lennie acts like a kid by getting emotionally attached to words George said. when I was little everyone time my parents would tell me something that would benefit me, I would get happy before I even receive it. This quote shows the little kid Lennie still has inside of him.

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