Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Novel Reaction: Thinking Forward

What topic or theme that we have touched on during this unit has "hit home" with you the most? Which theme or topic has a personal connection for you? Which did you find most captivating or interesting to discuss and investigate during this unit?

A theme that we talked about that have hit me the most is how hard it was to fulfill the American Dream during that time period. Everyone wanted freedom, wealth, Etc. During the 1930's people struggled to gain even one of these assets. But, in todays society people take advantage of all the things we have. Many countries do not have the right to have freedom and over 60 years ago we didn't have complete freedom either. So this its home to me because I find it the easiest to connect to, because of how often I see it. The part in the novella that conveys this the most is when you see George and Lennie doing physical labor just to make some money. It shows the difficulty it actually took to follow the American Dream during the 1930's

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